Governor's Official Club Visit 2019

29 August 2019 – During the beginning of each Rotary Year, the District Governor traditionally visits the individual clubs under his administration. This is beneficial for both parties as it allows each to get acquainted, especially if the Governor hails from a different city/province. This opens up a formal channel for discussion where the club formally presents its annual calendar of activities in line with Rotary’s areas of focus and avenues of service. Conversely, the club is also able to voice out any concerns or clarifications to the district.
Last August 29, 2019 DG Bansawan Ibrahim and Lady Ofelia Catalan Ibrahim, along with the District Officers DS Bernard Sero, PP Virgilio Villa, Rtn. Alraheem Alamada, and AG Alain Pacatan, graced Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro Premier’s club assembly at Sentro 1850. Other dignitaries in attendance were PDG Manuel U. Along, DGN John Mark Sarraga and Lady Rizaflor Sarraga. The district team initially convened with the club officers prior to the formal call-to-order for orientation, reminders and payment of the club’s contribution to the Governor’s Fund and the District Calamity Fund.
After enjoying a sumptuous dinner, the assembly started formally with the directors presenting their respective committees’ plans and achievements. Pres. Maite Sarraga discussed both the Community Service and Public Image avenue of service, while CP Kristine R. Ravanera tackled both Club Administration and Club Membership. IPP Tring Del Rosario Sarraga and PP Dino Camonias handled New Generation and The Rotary Foundation, respectively with guest Interact President Carmen Elena “Carle” Sarraga giving an overview of the plans of Interact of CDO Premier. After the comprehensive presentation, the District Governor gave his positive feedback and suggestions, as well as exhortations to give more to The Rotary Foundation.
The assembly was then promptly adjourned after invitations were given to join the District Conference in Cotabato City next year.