Kawal Kalinga
Cagayan de Oro City – As part of RI District 3870’s feeding program initiative, the Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro Premier launched “KAWAL KALINGA” in partnership with the DMPI Employees Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (DEARBCI). The project is both a Nourishment Program for injured soldiers, as well as a Food Assistance Program for their families.
The club visited the recuperating soldiers from the Marawi Siege in Camp Evangelista Station Hospital (CESH) last Wednesday, July 5. The club members brought with them merienda for the soldiers, composed of pastries, warm siopao, assorted fruits and juice; as well as packed goods containing canned food and milk for their families. “We recognize that we need to honor not only the sacrifice made by these brave soldiers, but also the hardships that their families oftentimes face when their loved one is injured,” said RC CDO Premier President Marion Hazel Du.
In addition, the club also donated 50 gallons of purified drinking water to the Camp Evangelista Station Hospital, in response to the occasional shortages they were experiencing. All in all, there were 120 recipients of the food and food assistance packages, including 15 soldiers who had just arrived and were being processed for confinement on that same day.